
BRAKE RELINE KIT for B5 & BE5 brakes.

SKU: WHLBRL-1 Category:


BRAKE RELINE KIT for B5 & BE5 brakes.

This reline kit includes linings and rivets for 2 calipers. Four M66-106 linings are included. This reline kit is used for 5 inch brakes in both the internal (WHLB5) caliper brake and external (WHLBE5) caliper brake. This reline kit is typically used with the WHLD5 disc (7.5 inch outside diameter and 0.25 thick) for B5 brakes or the WHLD5D disc (7.5 inch OD and 0.375 thick) for dual 37. This reline kit is also used with the external caliper WHLD164-017 disc.

This is a 3 rivet lining. Twelve MSC4-6 rivets and twelve MSC4-4 rivets are included in the kit. The MSC4-4 rivets are used for the BE5 brakes.